attachment=9727]Hello friends
This is an 1982 model trac1100 and when I was bought it, it was realy really bad condition, I worked on it maybe more than 6 mounths and now it already finish, I need your advice guys

tell me the colour of it, which colur can I painting it

well, so far it looks like a very good job!!! Do you have some more detailed pictures?? Would be very interesting.
Regadring to the painting, my suggestion: Why don't you paint it to its original colours?
Hello snowman
Thanks for advice

, I had many pictures of it but lots of them in my foulty mobile phone but I gave it to service to repair it and than I can get it all anyway dont be sad

I have some in my pc

sorry friends, I cant attact all pictures becouse of size


what´s this? Did you buy your fourth trac? Or is it one of your "old" 3 ones? It looks like bad behaviour. Which jobs do you have to do at this machine to make it running well?
That are very nice pic´s, not an every-day-situation!!!
I find it very respectfully work you´re doing! In Germany, I think, it´s rather easy to collect an repair this machines. But in Turkey, I think, it´s much more difficult. This machines are much more seldom there than here in Germany.
If you have questions, feel free to ask! And if you want some translation of some words, just ask.
I looked in your topics but I didn´t find you name? In this Forum we usually call each other with our first (sure) name, sometimes with our nickname like mine.
Greetings Cliff (usually Christoph)
Hello christoph
Nice to meet you my friend, my name is Sükrü Kara from turkey and living capital ANKARA and now I have 3 tracs and that picture on fliying my last trac, I already finished restorate only the small things waiting for me to fix but this mount I am planing to add 2 tracs in my collections (trac 800)
you also right for guessing about difficult to repair and finding parts in my country becouse in my country only the goverment forestry bought them for to prepare forest area and when I bought for my first trac, it was realy difficult for me to repair it about searching parts, repairing, etc but now after 3 tracs I am getting proof on that

anyway this is my short story about tracs

tommorow I am starting to add turbocharger for my 2 tracs (1000-1100) , I hope I can do it best power and cheaper

greetings sukru...like to spell sugar

I read somithing like you are a constructeur. Are you an engineer for machinery? Or are you constructeur for buildings? And where is your workshop, when you are living in Ankara?
You seem to me very enthusiastic about tracs. So in Germany such people have some "problems"

with their girlfriends / wife´s. Like "how stupid, man an machines!!!" Is it the same in Turkey?
How old are you?
Greetings Cliff
Hello Cliff
yes my friend here girls are also same, even my wife getting me angry , she thinks I waste so many times becouse of tracs bla bla bla

but dont caree

I love them, trac ı mean

anyway, yes I am an building constructor in Ankara and it is an our family business more than 50 years, I am 33 years old and when I finished the universty about Business in cyprus , I start to create buildings, villas in turkei but my father and mine other hobbies buying an lands and tracs becouse of that in 2006, we start to buy first trac1000 and try to used it our lands after it I am getting more interest of it and thinking to collect all series of them, than second I bought trac1100 in 2008 , third.....and goes on like this

How about you, lets talk about you

are you also using trac, age, job, city

Hello guys
I am thinking to fix turbocharge for my 2 tracs (1000 and 1100), I was searching picture abot this on net but I found not more, if anybody has some picture about fixing turbocharge , please add it in this tread for us to help
kind regards
Jassu sukru,
Something different where did u study on Cyprus, nicosia or Limassoll?
Cheers andre
Hey Sukru,
you do a good job to the machines. But it looks a bit strange for most of us. In Germany most people who restorate tracs do great efforts to keep them original or to rebuilt them to originality.
So it looks bit strang with a yellow panel, yellow lamps or a chrome self made cooler frame.
But i don´t want to criticize you. When a trac is saved from the steel press it´s not important how it is coloured.
And I see, especially you have much more difficulties to do this job than one of us! Respect anyhow, really!!!
Keep going on!!!!
Greetings Cliff
Hello snowman
I was educating famagusta in turkish side cyprus, had you been to cyprus also?
greatings sukru
Hello cliff
Thanks for good ideas for my tracs

I sad that before, it is really difficult to find new parts for my trac, I also want to restorate them seems like orjinal, but I am just adding them some small changings, because all my tracs nearly more than 30 years and inside and outside conditions not looks like modern type tractor and I am not satisfying for that and today I was going to breakers for to looks turbocharged and manifold, etc, but here is also in ANKARA ı mean expensive for those parts, can anybody knows which models of trac,bus, etc using om352 turbo engine?
Hello friends

With all the talk and added power of installing a turbo to a OM352 for trac1100 but cant find enough picture and document for that and becaouse of that This topic about upgrade turbolader fixing for mbtrac 1100 ( om352) and I start to do this job today and tomorrow I am planing to buy turbolader, new type of manifold for turbolader, pipes, etc.
I can try to take all pictures step by step for trac lovers

hope it will helps