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Normale Version: Getriebe im MBtrac 1300?
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Will there be any difference if I change from UG3/40-8/9, 35GPA to UG3/40-8/1301GPA in my 1300?

Feel free to write in german, if you want.

der Unterschied der beiden Getriebe ist die Spreizung der Gänge. Bei der 13,01-Version liegen die Gänge weiter auseinander, die Sprünge beim Schalten werden größer.

Dafür erlaubt das Getriebe kleinere Geschwindigkeiten. Offiziell gab es das 13,01 nicht im Trac, nur im Unimog. Und mich wundert, daß Dein Getriebe 8 Gänge hat...
(09.03.2012, 11:19)DaPo schrieb: [ -> ]Hallo,

der Unterschied der beiden Getriebe ist die Spreizung der Gänge. Bei der 13,01-Version liegen die Gänge weiter auseinander, die Sprünge beim Schalten werden größer.

Dafür erlaubt das Getriebe kleinere Geschwindigkeiten. Offiziell gab es das 13,01 nicht im Trac, nur im Unimog. Und mich wundert, daß Dein Getriebe 8 Gänge hat...

Thank you.

Will my trac go slower with the 13,01 version?

in the Gears 1-6 it will be slower. In gears 7 and 8 it will be the same as before.

1 09,35 13,01
2 06,73 09,02
3 04,93 05,96
4 03,62 04,38
5 02,58 02,97
6 01,86 02,06
7 01,36 01,36
8 01,00 01,00
Thank you very much for the answers.

Do you know if it is possible to put the work group box from MB trac gear box on this unimog gear box?

this depends:
The intermediate gear (i.e. where the axles are attached) has to be prepared for the work group.

Many Unimog gear boxes do not have the necessary wheels as it was clear the work group will never be attached (military U1300L for example), the preparation für the work group had to be ordered separately.

It ist however possile to attach any gearbox to another intermediate gear prepared for work group.
(12.03.2012, 11:57)DaPo schrieb: [ -> ]Hello,

this depends:
The intermediate gear (i.e. where the axles are attached) has to be prepared for the work group.

Many Unimog gear boxes do not have the necessary wheels as it was clear the work group will never be attached (military U1300L for example), the preparation für the work group had to be ordered separately.

It ist however possile to attach any gearbox to another intermediate gear prepared for work group.

It looks like this, then I assume it does not fit.


this gearbox seems to be prepared for the work group.

Oliver (MauMog) just reminded me that the MB-Trac always has the strongest version of the gears, while in some Unimogs less strong versions exist.

You would have to make clear this intermediate gearbox has the strong gears fittet, as the less strong gears will not survive in the Trac.

This is because in many Unimogs the work group ist used for slow speed, but not great power (ie snow plugs). In this case the smaller gears are sufficient, but not for use in a Trac.

So, to be sure it works, it will be best to attach the Unimog gear box to your existing Trac intermediate gear.