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Normale Version: What Year model MB 1300Turbo
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Hello from Australia,

I cant find any year model for my MB Trac 1300 turbo- one main difference I can see over other models is a digital speedometer. VIN is 4431630W 153650

Thankyou In Advance
Hello Tim,

because of your VIN we can see that your 1300 Turbo should be model year 1989.

Here you can see a list of the numbers:


The first number is the model:
443163 is an 1300 turbo


and ... 153650 is a continuous number for all Mercedes Tracs and Unimogs.

(link see above)

Best regards,

Franz Josef
(02.08.2017, 22:12)Franz Josef schrieb: [ -> ]Hello Tim,

because of your VIN we can see that your 1300 Turbo should be model year 1989.

Here you can see a list of the numbers:


The first number is the model:
443163 is an 1300 turbo


and ... 153650 is a continuous number for all Mercedes Tracs and Unimogs.

(link see above)

Best regards,

Franz Josef

Thank you so much for your help, thats latter than I thought. I didnt realise how few were made

Best Regards,
Hello Tim,

in this Item you can see the quantity of every model:


Your 1300 turbo is one of 474 built.

Yes it is not very numerous. Smile

Best regards

Franz Josef
I cant get any Mercedes truck dealers to find a data card for my 1300 Turbo. Are they available on the net or this forum?

Thank you in advance,
Hello Tim,

Are you sure, that the VIN is correct? There is no Data Card Online for this Number. Thats not the normal way for this Production Year.


Hello Michael,

The VIN is WDB 443 1630W 153650, unless the 0W is the letter o and not the number 0?

Hallo zusammen,

gibt es eigentlich für Australien bzw. Nicht-Europa eine spezielle Einschränkung bei den Datenkarten?


hier steht explizit:

Market: Europe

Sorry, my knowledge is limited. Sad

Best regards from Southern Germany
