attachment=4031]hello friends
my name is sukru from turkey and ı want to learn who are the biggest MB TRAC collector in this world, for example me ı have 3 of it, one is 1985 model mb trac 1000 and the others are 1980 models mb trac 1100. yes my friends now your turn tell me who is the biggest

these are all my trac but still not finishing restorating all
Hallo sukru,
many thanks for registrating in this Forum and a hearty welcome!
You will find a lot of informations about this faszinating Machine named MBtrac in Hartmuts forum!
Most of the forum members have 1or 2 MBtrac, but also there are some who have a greater number.
Maybe one of the forum members who has more will answer in this thread.
But still I do not know, if we can give the right answer to Your question!
But You also can give us some infos:
Do You have a feeling about the total amount of still alive MBtrac's in Turkey? How is the sparepart situation there?
Greetings to Turkey
Hello and welcome to the Forum!!!!
Nice to see that you own 3 MBtrac's. It's good to see that even people from foreign countries still kepp them up!!!
As Holger already said, the most of us call at least two trac's their own.
We have three of them, but one can never have enough!
Enjoy this forum, if you have questions, feel free to ask!
Hi holgi and snowman
thanks for interestig for my topic, ı was using this forum maybe more than an years and ı agree for that many usefull information can easy to find in here, I dont know how you service those trac but in here it is really difficult in here because for my research in turkey there are nearly 500 mb tracs bought in like 1980 to 1985 and models 800 900 1000 and 1100 just for to use forest area and maybe the ı am the only person bought them like an salvage conditon and restore them like that
The other ques from holgi; how can ı find mb parts from turkey? I guess You also know my friends those all of the tracs use same type of motors for diffrent kinds of bus,unimog, etc becouse of that it is not difficult for me to find motor parts in here but for chases parts or like gearcase, breaking parts etc those are for me also difficult, what ı am doing that if the parts not wroking well I am trying to repair it, if not enough than ı am trying to search smillar of it,
Sorry for my bad english I hope I was explaining well

any more question trac lovers

Hello trac turkey.
It´s realy nice to see, that Hartmut´s Forum becomes international feedback.
Here in Germany it is possible to keep the trac´s alive. Genuine parts are expensive, but they alredy exist.
Have a look at
www.ebay.de and search fo "mbtrac". In many kinds you will find what you need.
Specialy in this Forum have a look at:
https://www.trac-technik.de/Forum/showth...p?tid=2180&pid=14340#pid14340 and klick those links
My english is not that good, sorry for grammar or other faults.
Keep on going