hallo ich gerade erst einen Doppstadt 160 kann mir jemand sagen, was das orange Schalter hat?
hi i just bought a doppstadt 160 can anyone tell me what this ORANGE switch does ?
thanks gordon
I thnik it is the mainswitsh for the hydrolik it looks like it.
We have a Dt 200 and it looks simular.
You must excuse spaking is no problem but writing is deficult for me
Regards Claas
Hello Gordon!
Yes, this orange light looks like something, which has to do, with the main-hydraulic-system. Probably it is something with your EHR (i don't no what you call it in english). Or your hydraulic-oil is not at the maximumlevel in the tank. So, there probably is a part in your hydraulic-system where very much oil is lieving out oft the whole system!
But i'm not a trac-specialist, thats just my tought of this light.
many greetings: Philipp
Dies ist ein Schalter auf meine 160 so somthing ein-und auszuschalten ist.
Dank für die Informationen. Sie können es in Deutsch sagen its ok. Ich verwende Google. mehr Informationen zu erh? was tut erh. Vielen Dank nochmals!
danke gordon
Hello Gordon,
please post your messages in english also. Google sometimes makes a mess of the translations...
You probably want to know what EHR means? This is electronic lift control.
This orange light is a switch you say? It probably helps to post a decent pic...

But, wenn you flip it, there must be some changes in settings or something that is remarkable? You haven't tried it yet?
By the way: nice Trac. It isn't a real Mercedes, but it's a start.
(16.12.2009, 00:06)Mercedes-Benno schrieb: [ -> ]Hello Gordon,
please post your messages in english also. Google sometimes makes a mess of the translations...
You probably want to know what EHR means? This is electronic lift control.
This orange light is a switch you say? It probably helps to post a decent pic... 
But, wenn you flip it, there must be some changes in settings or something that is remarkable? You haven't tried it yet?
By the way: nice Trac. It isn't a real Mercedes, but it's a start. 
thanks i was looking for a mb 1600 but there getting hard to find , in ireland .
i am a mb fan .
i have a 900 turbo with a mounted gem sprayer ,and satellite navigation mapping . if it ever stops raining i might get to use it next year .
Dank i suchte einen mb 1600, aber es immer schwer zu finden, in Irland.
Ich bin ein Fan mb.
Ich habe einen 900 Turbo mit einem aktivierten gem Sprayer und Satellitennavigation Mapping. wenn es aufhört zu regnen könnte ich nie bekommen, es zu benutzen nächsten Jahr.
danke gordon
i discovered what it does at long last !
i found connection to right arm off seat broken,
orange switch turns on seat switches ,spool valves 5+6 and 7+8
Ich entdeckte, was es tut, endlich!
Ich fand Anschluss an den rechten Arm abgebrochen Sitz,
orange Schalter aktiviert Sitz Schalter, Schieberventile 5 + 6 und 7 + 8