I would say what Daniel says is the truth. It would be very complicate du construkt a system which would be able to switches you Mb trac gearbox. Ist ist very imortant that your gearbox gets not switched to hard and not too slow. Manufactores like Mercedes need many years to get a good running system. There are to much Problems. You need a complicate computerprogramm because you can`t chance your Gearbox.
For your gearbox it would ever be the best to swich the gears by youself. The number of revolutions is so important when you switch. And how du you want to tell your electronic when it ist the right moment to switch. There must be for every Geat a sensor who alleays measure the number of revolutions befor the Actors can swich the gears.
Your thought ist very good. But for your Idear you need too much electicity and technology. I like the MB trac because he needs no electricity....
Have fun
I would say what Daniel says is the truth. It would be very complicate du construkt a system which would be able to switches you Mb trac gearbox. Ist ist very imortant that your gearbox gets not switched to hard and not too slow. Manufactores like Mercedes need many years to get a good running system. There are to much Problems. You need a complicate computerprogramm because you can`t chance your Gearbox.
For your gearbox it would ever be the best to swich the gears by youself. The number of revolutions is so important when you switch. And how du you want to tell your electronic when it ist the right moment to switch. There must be for every Geat a sensor who alleays measure the number of revolutions befor the Actors can swich the gears.
Your thought ist very good. But for your Idear you need too much electicity and technology. I like the MB trac because he needs no electricity....
Have fun