Suche MBtrac 1800 intercooler

Hi Guys
Hopefully someone here understands english :=)
I´ve been looking for a MB Trac 1800 for a long long time
Maybe someone from this forum can help??

I havent found any 1800 for sale at all, if i find one i will most likely buy it.
I´m looking for a nice one but are quite openminded for any example of Mb Trac 1800
BTW, i cant understand german at all

Many Thanks

Lars Sundin, Sweden

Hello Lars,

first: Welcome to this forum!
second: English is no problem at all. If someone isn't capable to write english himself, there are many here willing to translate...
third: almost everybody here is looking for a nice 1800.... Wenn they are offered, the price is very high. You have to keep in mind that only 192 were build. Most people who are in the joy to own one simply do not sell them at all. You will have to look in the german online salesites from time to time:
And have a look in this forum from time to time! Normally, wenn one is offered, there will be a thread opened here, to keep the enthousiast informed.
One last thing: be aware of fakes! There ar a lot MB-Tracs, from 1300 upto 1600 who live as a 1800 nowadays...

Greetings from Holland,


Ein fleissige Bauer ist edler als ein fauler Edelmann...

hi lars.
if you really want to buy an mb trac 1800, be shure to have 40000 - 60000€. do you want to buy an original 1800er or a tuned (1300,1400,1500,1600) version? i wish you al lot of luck. if there is a 1800 to sell you will find him in "markt forum" on this side.
sorry. my english is not good at all but i hope i could help you.
greetings from south germany

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Hello Lars,
welcome on this page.
But if there is any MB trac 1800 intercooler to buy, i think this one does not go to sweden. Many peopel in germany search for the same one.Wink

Good luck, Bjoern.

MB trac 900 Bj. 91,MB trac 1000,Bj. 92 1x MB trac 1100,Bj. 91,1x 1300 Bj.87 2x1300 Bj. 89:2x1300`Bj 91, 2 x MB trac 1400 Bj. 88 u. Bj. 90 ,1 x MB trac 1500 Bj. 88, 3x MB trac 1600 Bj. 88, 2x MB trac 1600 Bj.91,1 x MB trac 1600 Bj. 92,2x MB trac 1800 Bj. 90 u. 91, über 300.000 h !

(20.10.2010, 05:53)BB-1300 schrieb:  Hello Lars,
welcome on this page.
But if there is any MB trac 1800 intercooler to buy, i think this one does not go to sweden. Many peopel in germany search for the same one.Wink

Good luck, Bjoern.

I do have all the money available, was hoping to find a tractor in medium pricerange but if i have to pay a higher price- then i´ll do that.
I do have a Mb Trac 900, my father had it since new.
Also had a couple of Unimogs during the years.
I am owner of a salvageyard for trucks, machines etc here in sweden, feel free to browse the site:

Hi Lars,

take a look here:

Mb Trac 1800 intercooler

MB - Trac 1100 Turbo


Is this one a real 1800 or a fake?

I have tried to call the seller multiple times to get a price but i cant get a hold of him.


Finally i got a hold of him, and the tractor is a 1600 and not a 1800...
Any suggestions where to find a true 1800 is VERY appreciated


(21.10.2010, 15:43)Lars1981 schrieb:  Finally i got a hold of him, and the tractor is a 1600 and not a 1800...
Any suggestions where to find a true 1800 is VERY appreciated


Finally i have bought an 1800, a very rare one, the only one sold in sweden

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Gruss FranzTongue

Thank you very much
This is the only 1800 that is sold in sweden so its very rare
Its been garaged the last ten years so i just need to service the trac a little, then its ready to rock and roll :=)

...and...sorry, but i must ask for it:

What´s the price for a 18er trac in this condition in sweden?

Much cheaper than here?


comparing to the prices i´ve seen here i would say from 25-50 percent of the price they are asking in germany
and that includes trima loader and a set of extra tires on rims Smile

Hej Lars Smile

Congratulations with your "new" MBtrac Cool

Is it Trelleborg Twin tyres on it? 700/55-30.5 question

Hälsningar frÃ¥n Norge

Mercedes-Benz, The Star...

(11.02.2011, 02:53)MB-trac-AMG schrieb:  Hej Lars Smile

Congratulations with your "new" MBtrac Cool

Is it Trelleborg Twin tyres on it? 700/55-30.5 question

Hälsningar frÃ¥n Norge

Yes it has trelleborg :=)
it also has original fender flares mounted by the swedish importer
also dashbord, pedals, steering wheel and seat is possible to turn 180 degrees for reverse driving

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