78 800 OM314 -> OM364?

As written above, the shortblock of the engine is the same in the 314 and the 364.

So the Clutch-housing fits right on, but we had to use the MB-trac oilpan because the 711 oilpan did not have a gasket seal against the -trac clutch housing.

The flywheel is also bolt on from the 314 to the 364, but have in mind: it will only fit on the crankshaft in one direction, the holes are spaced a bit different around the center. It will in other words fit, but you may have to turn it around and try a bit before all bolts go in...

when this is in place, the engine will fit the trac.

When it comes to the rpm-gauge, the connection on the engine is behind the fuel pump. But if the donor vehicle does not have an rpm-gauge (like the one we got), there is no connection for it... The solution is however very easy, but we did not discover it before we had put the engine in the trac Rolleyes The thing that turns, and gives the signal to the gauge inside the trac, is mounted on top of the oilpump! So we will loosen the front mounts of the engine in the trac, and raise it a bit so we can remove the oilpan, and replace the oilpump with the one from the 314.

I hope my answers are understandable... If not, please ask again!

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 31.05.2007, 11:45
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von SNOWMAN - 31.05.2007, 12:01
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 31.05.2007, 12:08
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von Helmut-Schmitz - 31.05.2007, 19:21
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 01.06.2007, 08:36
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 03.08.2007, 07:04
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 16.08.2007, 09:43
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 16.08.2007, 16:44
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 17.08.2007, 07:31
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 18.08.2007, 07:17
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von Helmut-Schmitz - 19.08.2007, 17:01
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 19.08.2007, 22:01
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 20.08.2007, 09:19
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 20.08.2007, 11:05
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 20.08.2007, 13:53
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 20.08.2007, 17:53
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von Helmut-Schmitz - 20.08.2007, 19:44
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 20.08.2007, 21:37
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 21.08.2007, 08:25
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 21.08.2007, 11:26
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 21.08.2007, 12:01
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von Helmut-Schmitz - 21.08.2007, 15:43
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 21.08.2007, 21:41
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 22.08.2007, 15:59
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 22.08.2007, 22:25
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 23.08.2007, 08:30
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 23.08.2007, 10:40
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 23.08.2007, 11:57
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von wolli - 24.08.2007, 12:57
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von boerner - 26.08.2007, 09:46
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 26.08.2007, 19:09
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von greil - 27.08.2007, 07:22
RE: 78 800 OM314 -> OM364? - von oleness - 27.08.2007, 11:17

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